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Please join us for 11:15 am Mass at Saint Thomas More Catholic Church.
The bus will pick up students at the fountain in front of Demoss Hall at 10:45.
Lunch is provided for all college students after Mass in Frassatti Hall, pasish basement.

Bible Study 10:30 am (SGA Office, 3rd Foor Demoss)
OCIA 5pm room 3022

Dinner 6:30 pm
Grab your food to go and join us above
Star Ginger (second floor of Montview)
Rosary 6:30 (3rd Floor Balcony, Demoss)
Dinner on campus 7:15
Mens Group 7:45 JFL 261B
Womens Group 7:45 JFL 280A

Have an interest in coming into the Church? Have questions about the Catholic faith? We will meet weekly on campus to discuss aspects of the Catholic Faith. You don't not have to be planning on joining the Church to join us. Montview Student Union 5pm Mondays
Demoss 3022
Make sure to contact Kayla.
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